My Empire Cheat

My Empire Cheats ! i found a cheat for playfish my empire by nofil2000 so you can add your friends as neighbors without approval 🙂 some program tools you will need for my empire cheat : 1. web browser (firefox, ie, chrome) 2. nofil2000My EmpireAdder (fiddler inside) Steps : 1. download nofil2000My EmpireAdder and unzip it in you desktop . It contains html called nofil2000.html 2. open your web browser and open two tabs : in the first one load nofil2000.html and in the second load facebook home page and log in to your profile 3. open fiddler – auto responder and add this rule : if URI respond with folder nofil2000MEAdder\crossdomain.xml crossdomain.xml can be found in the same zip file, change the path according to your path then clear your cache 4. open nofil2000.html, click GET ID to get your facebook id 5. Paste your friend id into the text box (one ID per line, no extra space) 6. click the button “Arrest them and force them to be my neighbors” now you won’t need to add or accept your friends to be your neighbors in my empire 🙂

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